Rachita Ram also known as Bindhya Ram is an Indian actress and dancer who is primarily known for her work in Kannada films. She is a trained classical Bharata Natyam dancer who has performed more than 50 times. She made her acting debut in 2013’s Bulbul, playing the main character opposite Darshan. In the 2016 Kannada film Chakravyuha, she performed opposite Puneeth Rajkumar.
She was born on 03 October 1992 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Her father Ram, is also a Bharata Natyam dancer. Nithya Ram is her sister also an actress. She did her schooling at Niveditha Girls High School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. She graduated from Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Rachita Ram Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Photos, Movies, and TV Shows
Full Name | Bindhya Ram |
Other Names | Rachita Ram |
Profession | Actress, Dancer |
Date Of Birth | 03 October 1992 |
Age | 31 |
Place of Birth | Bengaluru, Karnataka, India |
Nationality | Indian |
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Spouse | N/A |
Parents | Father: K. S. Ramu (Bharata Natyam dancer) Mother: Yet to update |
Siblings | Nithya Ram (actress) |
School | Niveditha Girls High School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India |
College | Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India |
Education Qualifications | Graduate |
Rachita Ram Movies and TV Shows
- Daali
- April
- Lilly
- Bad Manners (2023)
- Veeram (2023)
- Kranti (2023)
- Monsoon Raaga (2022)
- James (2022)
- Ek Love Ya (2022)
- Super Machi (2022)
- Love You Rachchu (2021)
- 100 (2021)
- Ayushmanbava (2019)
- Bharaate (2019)
- Rustum (2019)
- I Love You (2019)
- Amar (2019)
- Natasaarvabhowma (2019)
- Seetharama Kalyana (2019)
- The Villain (2018)
- Ayogya (2018)
- Johnny Johnny Yes Papa (2018)
- Bharjari (2017)
- Pushpaka Vimana (2017)
- Mukunda Murari (2016)
- Jaggu Dada (2016)
- Chakravyuha (2016)
- Rathaavara (2015)
- Ranna (2015)
- Ambareesha (2014)
- Dil Rangeela (2014)
- Bul Bul (2013)
Rachita Ram Social Media Profiles
- Instagram: rachita_instaofficial
- Twitter:
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- YouTube: